Teachings of Rumi (The Masnavi): The Spiritual Couplets of Jalaludin Rumi

27.09.12 | yabgu


<b>Teachings of Rumi. The Spiritual Couplets</b>
Author: Jalalu'l-Din Rumi & E. H. Whinfield
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN-13: 978-0863040672
Edition: 483
Date: 2001
Format: PDF
Size: 3,5 Mb
Language: English

Mawl&#257;n&#257; Jal&#257;l-ad-D&#299;n Muhammad R&#363;m&#299;, Turkish: Mevl&#226;n&#226; Cel&#226;leddin Mehmed Rumi, also known as Mawl&#257;n&#257; Jal&#257;l-ad-D&#299;n Muhammad Balkh&#299;, but known to the English-speaking world simply as Rumi, (September 30, 1207–December 17, 1273), was a 13th century Persian Muslim poet, jurist, and theologian. His name literally means "Majesty of Religion", Jalal means "majesty" and Din means "religion". Rumi is a descriptive name meaning "the Roman" since he died and lived in later parts of his life in Anatolia which was part of the Byzantine Empire two centuries before.

Rumi is considered an example of "insan-e kamil" — the perfected or completed human being. In the East, it is said of him, that he was, "not a prophet — but surely, he has brought a scripture". Rumi believed passionately in the use of music, poetry and dancing as a path for reaching God. For Rumi, music helped devotees to focus their whole being on the divine, and to do this so intensely that the soul was both destroyed and resurrected. It was from these ideas that the practice of Whirling Dervishes developed into a ritual form. He founded the order of the Mevlevi, the "whirling" dervishes, and created the "Sema", their "turning", sacred dance. In the Mevlevi tradition, Sema represents a mystical journey of spiritual ascent through mind and love to "Perfect." In this journey the seeker symbolically turns towards the truth, grows through love, abandons the ego, finds the truth, and arrives at the "Perfect"; then returns from this spiritual journey with greater maturity, so as to love and to be of service to the whole of creation without discrimination against beliefs, races, classes and nations.

According to Shahram Shiva, one reason for Rumi's popularity is that "Rumi is able to verbalize the highly personal and often confusing world of personal/spiritual growth and mysticism in a very forward and direct fashion. He does not offend anyone, and he includes everyone. The world of Rumi is neither exclusively the world of a Sufi, nor the world of a Hindu, nor a Jew, nor a Christian; it is the highest state of a human being — a fully evolved human. A complete human is not bound by cultural limitations; he touches every one of us. Today Rumi's poems can be heard in churches, synagogues, Zen monasteries, as well as in the downtown New York art/performance/music scene.

Rumi's importance transcends national and ethnic borders. Speakers of the Persian languages in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Pakistan see him as one of their most significant classical poets and an influence on many poets through history.

Rumi's major work is Masnavi-ye Manavi (Spiritual Couplets), a six-volume poem regarded by many Sufis as second in importance only to the Qur'an. In fact, the Masnavi is often called the "Qur'an-e Parsi" (The Persian Qur'an). It is considered by many to be one of the greatest works of mystical poetry.

2007: International Rumi Year
Upon a proposal by Culture and Tourism Ministry of Turkey, the year 2007 was proposed as the "International Rumi Year" to UNESCO, but has not yet been confirmed. This is intended for the commemoration of Rumi's 800th birthday anniversary and will be celebrated all over the world.[31] On this occasion Iranian musician Shahram Nazeri was awarded L&#233;gion d'honneur and Iran's House of Music Award for his renowned works on Rumi masterpieces.
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